People / Personnes

Kembel lab group photo 2020

People / personnes

Steven W. Kembel

Professeur (Professor)
Département des sciences biologiques
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

Directeur, Plateforme de génomique, CERMO-FC UQAM

Membre, Institut des sciences de l’environnement UQAM
Membre, Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science

Subject Matter Editor, Ecological Monographs
Senior Editor, Phytobiomes Journal

Ph.D., Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, 2007
M.Sc., Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, 2001
B.Sc.(Hons.), Botany, University of Manitoba, 1997

Email / Courriel :
Phone / Téléphone : (514) 987-3000 ext. 5855

ORCID Record 0000-0001-5224-0952
Github (skembel)

Postdoctoral researchers / Chercheurs postdoctoraux

Sarah Piché-Choquette (co-supervised with Marie-Claire Arrieta)

Ph.D. Students / Étudiants de 3e cycle

Pedro Henrique Pereira Braga (co-supervised with Pedro Peres-Neto)

Hélène Dion-Phénix (co-supervised with Denis Réale)

Sarah Ishak (co-supervised with Tanya Handa)

Rémi Maglione (co-supervised with Martin Laforest)

Zihui Wang

M.Sc. Students / Étudiants de 2e cycle

Nicolas de Montigny (co-supervised with Abdoulaye Diallo)

Jocelyn Lauzon

Visiting scientists / Chercheurs invités

Tonia De Bellis
Dawson College

Lab technician / Technicienne de laboratoire

Geneviève Bourret

Former lab members / Anciens membres du labo

Juanita Rodriguez (co-supervised with Nicole Fenton and Yves Bergeron)

Sophie Baril (MSc – co-supervised with Alison Derry)

Mathieu Landry (PhD – co-supervised with Patrick James)

Mona Parizadeh (PhD – co-supervised with Benjamin Mimée)

Joël Jameson (PhD)

Geneviève Lajoie (PhD)

Jean-Baptiste Leducq (Postdoc – co-supervised with Jesse Shapiro)

Yuan Jiang (Visiting Ph.D. student, Sun Yat-sen University)

Henry Xing (MSc – co-supervised with Vladimir Makarenkov)

Salix Dubois (BSc stagiare – biologie)

Rim Khlifa (Postdoc)

Melbert Schwarz (MSc – co-supervised with Dan Kneeshaw)

Cédric Boué (MSc – co-supervised with Tim Work)

Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe (PhD – co-supervised with Christian Messier)

Jessica Wallace (MSc)

Travis Dawson (Lab technician / Technicien de labo)

Renaud McKinnon (MSc – co-supervised with Dominique Gravel and Timothée Poisot)

Gabriel Jacques (BSc stagiaire – biologie)

Anaïs Ramet (BSc stagiare – biologie)

Igor Alves (DESS stagiaire  – bio-informatique)

Natalia Samus (DESS stagiaire – bio-informatique)