Over the past few years I have taught a one-day workshop on the use of the R statistical software for the analysis of biodiversity data. Typically I spend a half day giving a general introduction to R and a half day working through some examples of how to use R to analyze ecological and evolutionary data sets. The files… Continue reading R for Biodiversity Analysis Workshop files
News / Nouvelles
New article on functional traits
Congrats to Ph.D. student Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe on publishing her article on the importance of intraspecific trait variability in Scots pine! I. Laforest-Lapointe, J. Martínez-Vilalta, and J. Retana. 2014. Intraspecific variability in functional traits matters: case study of Scots pine. Oecologia 175:1337-1348.
La diversité microbienne sur les feuilles tropicales
On a publié un article dans PNAS sur l’écologie des bactéries sur les feuilles tropicales: Actualités UQAM : Arbres et communautés bacteriennes S.W. Kembel, T.K. O’Connor, H.K. Arnold, S.P. Hubbell, S.J. Wright, and J.L. Green. 2014. Relationships between phyllosphere bacterial communities and plant functional traits in a neotropical forest. Proceedings of the National Academy of… Continue reading La diversité microbienne sur les feuilles tropicales
Lab website update
The lab website has been updated, and we’ve moved to a new domain at kembellab.ca. Thanks to Cam Webb for hosting us at phylodiversity.net for so many years. Content from the old site at phylodiversity.net/skembel will be migrated to the new site shortly.